Migraines and sinus headaches are often mistaken for each other. While migraines are much more common than sinus headaches are, sinus headaches become more of a problem during the fall and winter months. Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team provides helpful information on both types of headaches below, so keep reading! What Are Sinus Headaches? Sinus headaches are a common symptom of sinusitis, or a sinus infection. As opposed to a migraine, a sinus headache is a sign of an infection. Read on →

During the winter, getting two—not just one—viruses is much more possible. In fact, experts are advising the public to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and the flu to protect against a potential “twindemic” this year. If you start to feel under the weather this winter, it can be difficult to know what you’re coming down with. Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team is here to help you know how to decipher between COVID-19 and the flu, so keep reading! Read on →

Ringworm is quite common, and anyone can get it. Getting ringworm is uncomfortable, but thankfully, it’s highly treatable. To learn more about this type of skin infection, read what our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team has to say below! What Is Ringworm? Ringworm is a rash caused by a fungal infection. It’s usually an itchy, circular rash with clearer skin in the middle. Ringworm is actually a misnomer, as it has nothing to do with a real worm and get its name because of its appearance. Read on →

Bronchitis is much more common during these late fall, early winter months. When you’re coughing nonstop from bronchitis, you’ll take anything you can get if it will make the coughing stop. Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team provide some helpful info on how you can effectively battle a bout of acute bronchitis below, so read on! What Is Acute Bronchitis? Acute bronchitis is usually caused by a viral infection, often from the same viruses that cause colds and the flu. Read on →

Yeast infections are very common. While they can occur in men, women experience them the most, as nearly 75% of women will have one at some point in their lives. To learn more about yeast infections and what their symptoms look like from our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team, read on! What Is a Yeast Infection? Vaginal yeast infection is a common fungal infection of the genitals. It causes inflammation, irritation, itching and vaginal discharge. Read on →

All STDs are cause for concern, but they don’t all cause serious medical complications or symptoms. Getting tested for STDs is one of the best things you can do for your sexual and overall health, and our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team explains why below. How Will STDs Affect Me? STDs affect men and women in different ways. In many cases, health problems caused by STDs are more severe among women than they are among men. Read on →

Not only have COVID-19 rates spiked again, but another respiratory illness has begun making its way into our lives—RSV. RSV is certainly not as contagious or dangerous as COVID-19, but it’s still something to be on the lookout for—especially as your kids are heading back to school. Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team provides further information on RSV below, so keep reading. How Serious Is RSV? Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a very common, contagious virus that causes infections of the respiratory tract. Read on →

Unfortunately, you can’t always keep an eye on your children and your pets. Sometimes, bites happen, but that doesn’t make them any less concerning. If your child was bitten by your family dog, cat or other household pet, there are some things you can do to care for the bite before heading to our AFC center for treatment. Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team further elaborates below. What Should I Do First After an Animal Bite? Read on →

Pulling a muscle is the worst, and it can be tough to know how you can successfully treat it and encourage quick healing at home. Luckily, our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team is here to help you know what to do if you’ve suffered a painful pulled muscle, so read on! What Is a Pulled Muscle? A pulled muscle, or a muscle strain, happens when your muscle is overstretched or torn. Read on →

Poison ivy doesn’t ever really go away. While its leaves fall off during the winter time, you can still get a rash from its roots during the colder months. However, because poison ivy’s leaves are as vibrant and healthy as ever this time of year, the risk of getting a rash is quite high! Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team provides some further helpful info on this irritating plant below, so keep reading! Read on →