In most cases, bruising isn’t really anything to worry about. It happens from time to time, as many people bump into things or trip fairly often. In rare cases, though, bruises can be a sign of something else going on with the body. Read on to learn more from our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team! Are All Bruises the Same? Even though bruises are generally caused the same way—when blood vessels pop underneath the skin and cause a skin discoloration—they’re not all the same. Read on →

Gastrointestinal (GI) diseases are very common in America. In fact, according to GI Alliance, more than 20 million Americans suffer from chronic gastrointestinal diseases, while 62 million Americans are diagnosed with new GI issues every year. So, if you struggle with a GI disease or think that you may have one, you are certainly not alone. Read on to learn more from our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team. What Are Gastrointestinal Diseases? Read on →

Even if you haven’t been affected by mono before, you’ve likely heard of it. It’s a common viral infection that most often affects college-aged adults and teenagers. This contagious illness can be easily spread, but since it’s a virus, it will need to run its course before it will go away totally. Learn more about it from our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team below. What Exactly Is Mono? Mono, or infectious mononucleosis, as it’s medically known, is a group of symptoms that is almost always caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Read on →

Omicron has caused many more breakthrough infections than previous COVID-19 variants have. Even though COVID-19 vaccines and booster doses are doing their job by protecting against serious illness, it’s still discouraging to positive for the virus after protecting yourself. So, why does this happen? Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team provides some helpful answers below, so keep reading. What Are Breakthrough Infections? According to the CDC, breakthrough infections happen when a person tests positive for COVID-19 at least two weeks after being fully vaccinated, including getting a booster dose when eligible. Read on →

Croup is a common respiratory illness among young children, and recent studies have shown that omicron has been causing croup-like symptoms among children who test positive for COVID-19. Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team further explains more about croup and its connection with the omicron variant below, so keep reading! What Is Croup? Croup is a respiratory infection that almost exclusively affects children between the ages of 3 months and 5 years. Read on →

Did you know? In-home falls are actually quite common. In fact, according to the CDC, every second of every day, an older adult (age 65+) suffers a fall in the U.S., which makes falls the leading cause of injury and injury death in this age group. This statistic is much, much too high, and it’s highly preventable! Learn more about how to prevent falls in the home and what to do if you do fall from our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team below. Read on →

Strep throat is an infection that everyone knows about. It’s very common among children, and many of them get it at school during the winter. While this infection is highly treatable and isn’t usually a cause for much concern, it has the potential to spiral out of control if it isn’t treated quickly and effectively. Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team explains why below, so keep reading! What Should I Know About Strep Throat? Read on →

Flu season is here, and flu rates have been much higher this year than they were last year. Getting the flu vaccine is the best way to prevent yourself from getting sick! Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team explains why below. Is The Flu Vaccine Effective? Yes, it is! While it’s not 100% effective at preventing the virus, getting the vaccine is still the best way to prevent yourself from getting the virus. Read on →

Did you know? Approximately one in three people in the United States will have shingles at some point in their life, according to the CDC. If you’ve had chickenpox in the past, you’re at risk of having to deal with this painful viral rash as you age. Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team provides more information about shingles below, so keep reading! What Is Shingles? Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. Read on →

Eczema affects millions of Americans, and it’s no joke. There’s no cure for it, and this skin condition can be quite difficult to manage. Not only is it incurable and tough to manage, but also tends to get worse during this time of year! Find out why that is, as our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team explains below. What Is Eczema? Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a condition that makes the skin red, itchy and dry. Read on →