We often assume that if there is something wrong with our bodies, we would know about it. After all, almost every infection or ailment out there produces symptoms or makes you feel less than your best. Unfortunately, a condition called hypertension is an outlier when it comes to symptom progression. Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team explains the dangers of high blood pressure and what risk factors could increase your risk of developing hypertension below. Read on →

Happy New Year! A new year offers so many possibilities for us, and it can serve as a fresh start for many people to make some changes in their lives. If you try to make New Year’s resolutions every year, you know how hard they can be to stick to. Since many resolutions involve making changes to live healthier, it can be difficult to stick to them when your lifestyle changes drastically. Read on →

Life can get stressful, there is no doubt about that. Mild inconveniences, crammed schedules, sudden events that pop up and need your attention and even the daily routine in your household can all ramp up at once and cause you to feel really anxious or stressed out. While you may be struggling mentally, chronic stress can also start to affect you physically. Stress can manifest itself into physical symptoms and lead to symptoms like tension headaches. Read on →

Illnesses are everywhere these days, and it can seem like an impossible task staying healthy when the flu, COVID-19 and RSV are circulating all around. Any illness has the potential to make anyone really sick, but older adults need to be aware of certain illnesses, as they can be more vulnerable to severe infection. One of those illnesses that older adults need to be on the lookout for is RSV. Read on →

We can’t believe that we are already preparing for the upcoming holiday season for 2023! We hope you are looking forward to seeing old friends, family members and making more memories this year just like we are. While we know that this time of year is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with loved ones, traveling to your destinations and heading home can increase your risk of getting sick right at the most inconvenient time. Read on →

A runny nose, fever and a cough are common symptoms across many different illnesses. A common cold, bronchitis and even pneumonia could start out with these symptoms. Did you know that they are all part of a group of viruses called adenoviruses? These pesky viruses commonly cause similar symptoms, and they can make you feel pretty sick for a few days. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team explains more about adenoviruses and what to do if you have symptoms of one. Read on →

Cold and flu season are here to stay for a while, and we all need to do our part to prepare for it. People are starting to get sick all around our community, and flu cases are already starting to rise all around the Colorado area. Knowing what to do and what symptoms to watch for in regard to the flu is crucial! Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team explains more below about this year’s influenza strains and what to do if you are worried about your symptoms. Read on →

The last few years have been frustrating, stressful and at times, full of grief. Losing a loved one is hard, especially if COVID-19 was to blame. Now that we are no longer experiencing such high caseloads, it can be easy to let our guards down when it comes to this stubborn infection. Unfortunately, COVID-19 cases are on the rise once more, and older adults and immunocompromised people continue to be at a higher risk of severe infection. Read on →

Can you believe it is already time to start talking about the fall season and all of the illnesses that usually circulate at this time of year? It seems like the summer months just flew by. While the fall and winter seasons in the Louisville area are great for many reasons, the increase in seasonal illnesses is not one of them. Symptoms vary based on the different illnesses, but one of the most common symptoms across multiple illnesses is a fever. Read on →

Every illness can bring about unpleasant symptoms, but stomach bugs often take the cake when it comes to feeling icky. They can cause all kinds of GI symptoms that have you staying close to the bathroom for a day or two. The stomach flu is actually the common (and misleading) term for the illness, which is called viral gastroenteritis. It is a highly contagious viral infection that can spread easily through populations and families. Read on →