Why Should I Limit Screen Time in My House?

In our ever-changing and evolving world, technology and screens are becoming more accessible and necessary to everyday life. That means it is common to spend your entire day behind a computer or in front of a phone screen.

Screen time can be just as addictive as tobacco and alcohol use! Over time, constant exposure to screens can begin to impact your physical and mental health. If you are wondering how to reduce screen time in your own household, our team at AFC Urgent Care Louisville explains more below.

Why Are Screens Addictive?

The instant gratification and easy access to constant entertainment can act like a digital drug. The more you scroll or play a game, the more your mind wants to indulge. Over time, it can create issues with your attention span, your critical thinking skills and even your ability to socialize appropriately with others.

Reducing the amount of screen time is important for everyone at any age, but it is especially crucial for your children. Exposing your children to more real world connections allows them to learn how to communicate and interact with the world!

Appropriate Screen Time Recommendations

  • 0–6 months old: no screen time
  • 6 months to age 2: screen time for interactive play or video chats only
  • 2–5 years old: up to one hour of screen time a day
  • School-aged kids: no set limit but monitor social media and gaming time

How Do I Implement a Screen Time Limit?

Lead by example with your children. Limit your phone, TV and computer use after work, and try to be present with your children. Suggest walks to the park, board games or arts and crafts instead. You don’t have to completely cut out screen use, but setting a time limit at some point after school to focus on other activities is a good place to start.

Another great way to refocus screen time energy is to encourage free play outside or in your home! Free play allows children to be creative, explore their independence, and can improve their sense of self. Don’t be afraid to join in the fun and follow their lead.

  • Speech delays
  • Difficulty with problem solving or critical thinking
  • Exposure to cyberbullying
  • Increased risk of depression and anxiety

Are you worried that your child is suffering from depression or anxiety due to too much screen time? Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Louisville.