When Should I Be Seriously Concerned About a Bug Bite?

When you’re having fun outdoors in the summer, one of the last things you want to experience is a painful bee sting, ant bite or an increasingly itchy and swelling mosquito bite.

While almost all of these bites are relatively harmless even though they itch, they can become more serious after a few days. Read on to learn more from our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team.

What Should I Do If I Get Bitten or Stung by a Bug?

Bug bites and stings usually cause only minimal symptoms. You can tell if your reaction to a bite or sting is minor by looking at the redness, pain or swelling at the bite or sting site. All of these symptoms are common reactions if they are localized and don’t spread to a different part of the body.

We’ve included some home remedies below for you to try out if you think your bug bite or sting is minimal.

How to Treat Insect Injuries

  • Remove any stingers.
  • Gently wash the area with soap and water.
  • Apply a damp rag soaked in cold water or ice to the area of the bite or sting for 10 to 20 minutes. This helps reduce pain and swelling.
  • Take an OTC pain reliever as needed.
  • If the injury is on an arm or leg, elevate it.

How Can I Know If My Bug Bite Is Cause for Serious Concern?

As previously stated, the majority of bug bites are relatively harmless. However, bites or stings from poisonous bugs or bugs to which you are allergic will require medical attention. Additionally, infected bug bites will almost always require extra treatment.

The most prevalent reason for a bite requiring medical attention is if it becomes infected. Visit our AFC center if your bite or sting exhibits any of the signs or symptoms described below. To treat the illness, you will most likely be given oral antibiotics or a topical antibiotic.

Signs a Bug Bite Is Infected

  • A wide area of redness around the bite
  • Swelling around the bite
  • Pus
  • Increasing pain
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Feeling of warmth around the bite
  • Long red line extending out from the bite
  • Sores or abscesses on or around the bite
  • Swollen glands (lymph nodes)

We’re here for you now and always! Don’t hesitate to visit our AFC team if you need treatment for an infected bug bite or some other non-emergency issue.