What Should I Do About an Insect Sting or Bite?

One of the best parts about summertime in the Louisville area is the increase in outdoor activities and opportunities. After all, the sunny days and warmer weather are certainly rewards after each cold winter!

One downside to this extended time outside is all of the bugs and creepy-crawlies that we can encounter on a daily basis. While most of them are harmless and at most will just annoy you as they buzz by, others can bite or sting and cause us serious pain.

Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team explains more about a few common bites and stings and how to treat them.

Do All Spiders Bite?

Of course not! In fact, most spiders do not bite at all. Just like many people are wary of spiders, spiders are usually wary of us as well. However, if you are in an area with a lot of spiders and think you got bitten, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water and keep an eye out for any emerging symptoms.

The majority of spiders around here aren’t venomous, so the bump that appears will most likely be small, red and maybe a little itchy. These symptoms should fade after an hour or two. We do have a few spiders in the area that you need to be on the lookout for. If you receive a bite from a black widow or brown recluse, these instances require medical attention.

Signs of a Venomous Spider Bite

  • Swelling at the site
  • Fluid-filled blisters
  • Increasing pain or stiffness of the bite site
  • Chills
  • Fever

Can You Treat a Bee Sting Quickly?

Getting stung is one of the more common summer troubles because there are many insects that can sting you. Bees, wasps, hornets and yellow jackets can be a bit ornery at times and can sting you once or repeatedly. These types of stings are just downright painful!

Remove yourself from the area and inspect your skin. Some insects leave their stinger behind, so remove that carefully to stop the flow of venom. Then simply wash the skin thoroughly and apply ice to the site. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix for the pain and discomfort but it should fade away in a few hours. Remember, even if you aren’t allergic to one type of insect sting, it doesn’t make you immune to them all! Keep a close eye on how you feel and seek medical attention if you begin to have an allergic reaction.

Warning Signs After a Bee Sting

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling of the face, throat or tongue
  • Itchy skin or swollen eyes, lips, hands or feet
  • Loss of consciousness

We can treat a wide variety of bites and stings! Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Louisville.