What Does an Adenovirus Feel Like?
A runny nose, fever and a cough are common symptoms across many different illnesses. A common cold, bronchitis and even pneumonia could start out with these symptoms.
Did you know that they are all part of a group of viruses called adenoviruses? These pesky viruses commonly cause similar symptoms, and they can make you feel pretty sick for a few days.
Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team explains more about adenoviruses and what to do if you have symptoms of one.
What Are Adenoviruses?
Adenoviruses are a common group of viruses that often affect your respiratory tract. There are over 50 different kinds of adenoviruses that have been identified. That means there’s a lot of different ways that you can get sick! They can impact the lining of your eyes, your digestive tract and your airways to cause some really uncomfortable symptoms.
The people that are most at risk of developing a severe or dangerous infection from an adenovirus are young children and anyone who is immunocompromised. This unfortunately also means that the places that house large groups of children and immunocompromised people can easily spread these different viruses. Daycares, schools, hospitals and nursing homes are among the most common places for outbreaks.
General Symptoms of Adenoviruses
- Fever
- Cough
- Diarrhea
- Pink eye or eye redness
- Sore throat
Can I Tell Which Adenovirus I Have?
Since there are so many adenoviruses and they can all share similar symptoms, it can be really hard to tell at first what is causing your symptoms. However, it is important to note that each virus does have its own symptom progression and typical duration.
Illnesses that fall under the category of adenoviruses include bronchitis, croup, pneumonia, UTIs and general colds. Come see us if you are ever feeling sick, and we can take a look at your lungs and perform a full-body evaluation to help pinpoint your illness and assist you in feeling better.
Signs of a More Serious Adenovirus
- Trouble breathing
- Swelling around the eyes
- Fever that doesn’t go away or keeps coming back
- Dehydration (fewer tears, less urine output)
Getting sick can happen at any time. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Louisville for a quick visit.