What Do I Need to Know About Poison Ivy?
Poison ivy doesn’t ever really go away. While its leaves fall off during the winter time, you can still get a rash from its roots during the colder months. However, because poison ivy’s leaves are as vibrant and healthy as ever this time of year, the risk of getting a rash is quite high!
Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team provides some further helpful info on this irritating plant below, so keep reading!
Why Does Poison Ivy Cause a Rash?
Poison ivy has oil called urushiol, which causes an allergic skin reaction. The oil is easily wiped from the plants to other objects, and especially your clothes and skin. Also, smoke from the plant can contain the oil.
If you or your child is experiencing any of the symptoms we’ve listed below, you have likely encountered some poison ivy.
Common Poison Ivy Symptoms
- Small bumps that quickly turn into blisters where the plant oil touched the skin
- Severe itching
- Redness and swelling
- Blisters that break, ooze fluid and crust over. The fluid in the blisters doesn’t spread the rash.
How Serious Is a Poison Ivy Rash?
Generally, poison ivy rashes aren’t very serious. In fact, most cases of poison ivy can be successfully treated at home. Furthermore, if poison ivy is left totally untreated, it will go away on its own in two to three weeks.
Having said that, although serious poison ivy complications are rare, they can happen. Poison ivy rashes can become infected, which would require prescribed antibiotics to get rid of the rash. If you or your child experiences the symptoms we’ve listed below, visit our AFC center or call your doctor ASAP quickly to avoid any further medical complications.
When to Seek Medical Care for Poison Ivy Rash
- You are experiencing shortness of breath.
- You are having trouble swallowing.
- The rash is on the face or genitals.
- The areas with the rash are swelling.
- The rash covers a large area of your body.
- You inhaled smoke from a burning poison ivy plant.
No one wants to deal with the itchiness and irritation of poison ivy! Visit our AFC Urgent Care Louisville center today if you or your child needs relief from poison ivy or any other non-emergency medical care.