What Are Some Fun Ways to Challenge My Brain?

It can be easy to fall into a predictable routine as an adult. You wake up, get the kids out the door and yourself off to work. Then you get home, feed and chauffeur your kids around and then plop yourself in front of the TV after they are in bed. Sound familiar?

We are all guilty of this routine, but it is important to change things up from time to time to challenge our brains. The older you get, the more important it is to stay sharp and keep your mind engaged.

Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team explains some fun alternatives to binge watching TV below, so read on to get inspired.

Why is Exercise Important for My Brain Health?

Your entire body is connected from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. When you exercise, it helps bring oxygen all over your body and circulates your blood thoroughly. It also helps with your focus and helps improve your mood.

If you struggle to stick to a regular workout routine, don’t be afraid to mix it up! Take a dance class or build up the courage to try out that cycling class you have always been curious about. Even something as simple as gardening can increase your heart rate and be beneficial for you.

Psychological Benefits of Exercise

  • Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety
  • Decreases stress
  • Boosts self-esteem
  • Improves sleep

What Brain Games Can I Play?

The best part about engaging your brain is that you can do it a bit differently every day. Pick a few categories of things you enjoy and go from there! Brain teasers like word finds, crossword puzzles and Sodoku are all great at making your brain think differently. You can start a new hobby or resurrect an old one.

Even things like learning a new language or taking an online class helps challenge your brian. Whatever forces you to think in a new way or learn something new is beneficial for you. In addition, you should prioritize building and maintaining strong social relationships. Community connection is vital for long-term brain health.

Additional Tips for a Healthy Brain

  • Avoid smoking and other forms of tobacco
  • Don’t abuse alcohol
  • Protect your head from injury-wear a helmet!
  • Take care of your emotions and seek help when needed

We are here to help you feel better from your brain to your feet. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Louisville.