How Can I Protect Against In-Home Falls?

Did you know? In-home falls are actually quite common. In fact, according to the CDC, every second of every day, an older adult (age 65+) suffers a fall in the U.S., which makes falls the leading cause of injury and injury death in this age group.

This statistic is much, much too high, and it’s highly preventable! Learn more about how to prevent falls in the home and what to do if you do fall from our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team below.

How Should I Respond If I Fall?

Falls at home can be painful and humiliating. Obviously, priority No. 1 is to prevent them from happening, but if the unfortunate happens and you do fall, it’s critical to know what to do next.

Additionally, if you fall at home, your odds of falling again are more than doubled. Below are the steps you should follow if you fall.

What to Do After a Fall

  • Pause and take a few deep breaths. This will help you get over the shock of falling before you attempt to get up.
  • Decide if you are injured. Getting up too fast or moving incorrectly can make an injury worse.
  • If you think you can get up, roll onto your side, get on your knees, crawl to a sturdy chair or piece of furniture, lift yourself up and sit down.
  • After you’ve gotten up, or even if you haven’t, call a loved one and let them know what happened. More than half of those that fall don’t tell anyone.

How Can I Avoid Falls at Home?

Keeping your home clean is one of the most effective ways to reduce your chances of falling. The risk of falling increases dramatically when the floor is cluttered.

Additional fall prevention strategies are described below.

Ways to Prevent Falls

  • Secure throw rugs. Throw rugs are one of the biggest fall culprits, as they have a tendency to bunch up. While the safest option is not to use them, rugs are common in most homes. Consider putting rubber gripping under your rugs to make them safer.
  • Improve lighting. A dimly lit home increases the chances of tripping and falling. Keeping the home too bright is also a problem because it may create a glare. A good rule of thumb is to keep the home well-lit but not overly lit.
  • Wear footwear that has some grip. Slippery socks and slippers can cause falls, so consider wearing shoes or socks with rubber grips on the bottom to reduce your fall risk.
  • Maintain an active lifestyle! Being sedentary will weaken your body and reduce flexibility, which can make you more susceptible to falls. Exercising consistently will greatly lower your fall risk and help you reach optimal health.

Our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team is here for you now and always! Don’t hesitate to visit us today.