Do Masks Really Stop the Spread of COVID-19?
With the Louisville face covering order extended through at least June 30, face masks will be a reality for us for the near future. But you aren’t alone if you’re wondering why they’re important.
We’ve heard that question from many people, which is why our AFC Urgent Care Louisville team wants to take a few minutes to share some answers about masks and COVID-19.
How Does COVID-19 Spread?
COVID-19 spreads through airborne particles. That means that when someone infected with the virus sneezes, coughs or even breathes, small particles containing the viral infection make their way into the air.
If you’re nearby, they can enter your body through your nose and mouth. That’s why, in the absence of a vaccine, the best defense you have is to stay at home when possible and avoid close contact with others.
COVID-19 Symptoms
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
How Do Masks Help?
Well, as we mentioned above, your best defense against picking up the virus is to avoid close contact with others. But if you are venturing outside your home, you can take steps to protect yourself and others with a face covering.
The CDC recommends that everyone age 2 and older wear a cloth face covering over the mouth and nose when outside the home. This provides some protection for you, but its main goal is to keep your airborne particles inside the mask in the case you’re sick but don’t know it. Masks are effective—a recent study found that mask use may reduce the spread of COVID-19 by 85%.
Mask Use Basics
- Wear a cloth face covering rather than a surgical mask or N-95 respirator.
- Keep your mask over your nose and mouth at all times.
- Wash your hands after removing your mask.
- Wash your mask regularly to keep it clean.
Believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19? AFC Urgent Care Louisville offers COVID-19 testing at our urgent care center.