Do I Really Need to Exercise?

Well, we aren’t nagging you, but yes—you do really need to exercise! Every person of every age can benefit from being physically active.

The good news is that even a small amount of activity can make a tremendous difference for your health. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Louisville offers some perspective on why exercise is important and how much you need to be getting.

Why Does Exercise Matter for My Health?

If you read through the risk factors for nearly any medical condition, you will likely see a sedentary lifestyle and excess weight on the list of factors. So it only makes sense that exercising regularly can help lower your risk of those conditions.

Being physically active can help you look and feel at your best, but it also offers many other benefits for your physical and mental health. It can even benefit you professionally, believe it or not.

Benefits of Exercise

  • Improved mood
  • Enhanced productivity
  • Steadier mental health
  • Easier maintenance of a healthy weight
  • Decreased risk of chronic health conditions
  • Strengthened immune system

How Much Exercise Do I Need?

So, you know you need to exercise. Now the question is, how much exercise is enough? That will vary a bit depending on your individual health and your fitness and wellness goals.

But there are some general guidelines for how much activity is recommended for optimal health. Adults need at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week or 75 minutes of strenuous activity, while kids and teens need at least 60 minutes per day.

Types of Exercise

  • Cardiovascular, also called cardio or aerobic
  • Strength training, using weights or body weight
  • Balance movements
  • Stretching

Feeling under the weather? Stop by AFC Urgent Care Louisville today for a diagnosis and treatment plan.